• Question: will corona virus kill us

    Asked by anon-248043 to Martha, Jennifer, Dan, Ben, Baptiste on 12 Mar 2020.
    • Photo: Ben Rowsell

      Ben Rowsell answered on 12 Mar 2020:

      I hope not. But seriously I don’t think so. I think the main issue is how contagious it is rather than how deadly it is. If you look at the deaths in the UK they’ve mainly been older people with serious underlying health conditions rather than healthy people. So we need to protect the most vulnerable from catching it to prevent further deaths if possible but I think for most people it’s similar to getting the flu; so not pleasant but not life threatening.

    • Photo: Dan Brunsdon

      Dan Brunsdon answered on 17 Mar 2020:

      I had a similar question earlier, so I will paste the answer here for you to see and expand on it a little 🙂

      In my opinion, the actual disease itself is not as much of a threat to the general public as some media organisations might be making out, the concern is for those groups at higher risk and for the impact a lot of cases would have on our health service. If a lot of sick people with this virus need to access healthcare, then our medical professionals will struggle to continue normal care for others. As well as this, people who are already quite sick or the elderly could be more likely to experience worse symptoms if they were to catch the virus. This is why it’s so important that we all work together to try and stop the spread of this illness and do all we can to support our community and health service. I would say it’s still important to not panic, follow the guidance from the health authorities, and take the advice given to us by the experts seriously. The link to the government website with more information is here: https://www.gov.uk/government/topical-events/coronavirus-covid-19-uk-government-response

      And if you’re ever worried about the virus and the measures we as a society need to take in order to deal with it, you can find updated information and advice here:
