• Question: does your job allow you to travel to different places around the world (o.o)

    Asked by anon-248030 to Martha, Jennifer, Dan, Ben on 10 Mar 2020.
    • Photo: Jennifer Carroll

      Jennifer Carroll answered on 10 Mar 2020:

      Lots of different places in the UK because the work I do supports the UK fleet of nuclear reactors. I used to work at Heysham 1 in the north west, now I’m down at Dungeness B on the south coast. I’ve also travelled to Paris to take part in the final of the Spark Competition, for young people in the UK and France working in the energy industry.

      The nuclear industry is a global one and the company I work for, Jacobs, is global: supporting the clean-up work at Fukushima in Japan, has been involved at Chernobyl and supports new build nuclear programmes across the world.

    • Photo: Martha Jesson

      Martha Jesson answered on 10 Mar 2020:

      I travel around England helping other researchers talk to people and collect important information. I would love to be able to do this internationally though! There are definitely areas of research that can allow this too.

    • Photo: Ben Rowsell

      Ben Rowsell answered on 11 Mar 2020:

      As part of doing a chemistry PhD you’re expected to go to international conferences to present and discuss your work with other scientists. This is paid for by your bursary so is a great way to go to new places. I’m planning to go to Lisbon in September (if travel isn’t banned) and will go somewhere else the year after. I have friends that have been all over Europe, China, Japan, America and all sorts of countries in South America.
