• Question: do you play any music instruments!?

    Asked by anon-248030 to Jennifer, Dan, Ben, Baptiste on 10 Mar 2020.
    • Photo: Jennifer Carroll

      Jennifer Carroll answered on 10 Mar 2020:

      I used to play the flute in year 7 and 8… But I didn’t practise enough so didn’t carry on with it.

      I’d rather being doing some kind of sport. At school I did gymnastics, at uni cheerleading and now I run ultra marathons (anything off road, up a mountain and generally longer than 26 miles).

    • Photo: Dan Brunsdon

      Dan Brunsdon answered on 10 Mar 2020:

      I used to play the drums when I was in secondary school but I didn’t keep it up (which I’m sure my parents and neighbors were happy about). When I got to uni I got more into languages and sport than a particular instrument. The good thing about all the different student societies at uni is that pretty much whatever your interest is you’ll find a society for it. So when I started my undergrad I began British Sign Language and continued with my rock climbing, and then during my postgrad I joined the Taekwando team.

    • Photo: Ben Rowsell

      Ben Rowsell answered on 11 Mar 2020:

      Unfortunately I’ve never been very gifted with music. Although I was in a rock band in primary school and played the bass guitar. But I never actually had any lessons so you can imagine how bad that would have sounded.

    • Photo: Baptiste Ravina

      Baptiste Ravina answered on 11 Mar 2020:

      I play the piano and know a few chords on the guitar, but I haven’t practised seriously either in years now… I also know I can’t sing, but that doesn’t stop me in karaoke bars.
